
‘A portrait of my boys once a week, every week in 2015’


Wil – He had waited so patiently to put up the tree, now he was on a mission to get it up.

At home Vacy NSW, Australia.


Sonny – Singing along to the Christmas sheep. The sheep was hidden not long after this….

At home Vacy NSW, Australia.

Liz x

Lauren’s 52 Project

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WOW, so I made it all the way to week 52.

I feel a little sad and excited, the year has gone so fast.

I started the year with a 2 year old and a bump and ended with a 3 year old and an almost crawling baby. Its been a busy year and I am honoured to be mum to these 2 girls. They take up 99% of my time and although sometimes I definitely need more than 1% of my time for me, I wouldn’t change it. I am their mum.

I’m so happy to have these simple home moments documented throughout the course of the 2015. Thanks to Liz, my partner in crime for suggesting it.

 Most of my ’52 project’ photos are taken at home, that is where we spend our time, this is where they develop and learn.

Im so proud these two cheeky, loving, beautiful, delicate and crazy girls are mine, I hope I’ve been able to capture some of their amazing qualities in these photos.

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Not sure what we have planned for ‘from opposite ends’ for 2016… maybe no 52 Project but im planning to keep up the photos and the posts.

Thanks for reading.

Happy 2016!



‘A portrait of my boys once a week, every week in 2015’

DSC_9534Wil and Sonny – I didn’t really pull the camera out this week so I’m stealing this from last week. I’m also finding it really hard to get photos of Wil as sometimes he’s not really keen or he’s at school.


Sonny – Innocent eyes.

At home Vacy NSW, Australia.

Liz x


‘A portrait of my boys once a week, every week in 2015’


Wil – A bit of rain and no grass creates the best mud. Also how big is this boy getting….Still my bub though!

At home Vacy NSW, Australia.


Sonny – He’s becoming so independent and enthusiastic, tonight he prepared all the veges for dinner. The night before he made a salad and a fruit salad!

At home Vacy NSW, Australia.

Liz x


‘A portrait of my boys once a week, every week in 2015’


Wil and Sonny – They absolutely love giving piggy back rides.

The quality of this photo is terrible as is the lighting in our home… the shed! But it was one of the only photos I took this week, and I captured something they always do together. so I’m taking it as a win!

At home Vacy NSW, Australia.

Liz x


‘A portrait of my boys once a week, every week in 2015’


Wil – A zombie skeleton on his way to the school disco.

At home Vacy NSW, Australia.


Sonny – Spiderman trying to web me!

At home Vacy NSW, Australia.

Liz x


‘A portrait of my boys once a week, every week in  2015’


Wil and Sonny – We were kindly given this jeep by our neighbours…. At the time I was annoyed as it was another chunky plastic toy. Also just another thing that will have to eventually go to the dump. But it has brought them both so much joy (and many fights over who is driving!) in the last few weeks, that I have now changed my opinion. I think its here to stay!

At home Vacy NSW, Australia.

Liz x