Sisters : January

I’m going to make sure I post a picture of the girls together once a month to try to get a sense of their growing relationship.  With Marlowe now on the move its certainly shifting more towards playing with each other, she wants to be anywhere that Roxy is and play with everything Roxy is playing with, not always to Roxy’s enjoyment! Roxy regularly walks into me with armful of toys she doesn’t want Marlowe to get a hold of and the pitter patter of Marlowe crawling behind is never far away.

sisters january

Sisters who swing together…….

23rd January 2016

Friarwood Valley Gardens, Pontefract, United Kingdom


Hello 2016

Well its over 3 weeks into 2016 already, I hope it’s not a sign of the speed of the year to come! Its been a little strange not doing The 52 Week Project posts, I’m still not sure what will be best to do to make sure I keep up the regular photos! I think I’ll do monthly posts of a photo of the girls together and will see what takes my fancy or what inspires me beyond that!

2016 has brought so far a crawling baby, more winter colds and flu, a husband away for 8 days and a new camera. Its been busy but more the staying at home kind of busy!

Im super keen to get more use of my new camera, I love it already and have only had it a week, as the year went on I was getting less and less happy with the quality I was getting from my photos so I’m hoping for more sharpness, especially at lower lights as I take a lot of my photos indoors and lets face it there isn’t a lot of great natural light over here at the moment!

So like my 2015 weekly posts here are a couple of photos of the girls.

Roxy and Marlowe January web

Sisters- wherever Roxy goes Marlowe is close behind. She adores her big sister. Roxy is getting ready to open the cafe.

January 18th

Roxy January web

Roxy – Still totally in love with dressing up, this was her serving at Roxy Rapunzels Cafe, I think I got served a carrot a tomato and a sparkling water, can’t say its the most inspiring menu I’ve ever encountered but the exceptional service will ensure my return!

January 18th 

Marlowe january web

Marlowe- there is nothing stopping her now. My baby doesn’t feel like such a baby anymore, from crawling to climbing she is learning new tricks every day.

January 22nd 



a portrait of my girls once a week every week

week 52 roxy web

Roxy – easy post christmas mornings, staying in our pjs, drinking coffees and reading books

Roxy amazes me at how many animals she knows and she learns so fast. Her ability to retain information is incredible.

She slept with her plaits in last night to make sure her hair was ‘nice and beautiful and wavy’

week 52 marlowe.2 web

Marlowe – another book worm

We have been in quarantine this week (again), Marlowe has had Hand, Foot and Mouth, not the way her first christmas was planned but she was still happy and amazed by all the toys and attention.



a portrait of my girls once a week every week

week51 Roxy web

Roxy – my little independent baker

 making cookies for christmas for all her nursery teachers

she loves learning about the ingredients and telling everyone whats in them, but her favourite bit is of course licking the beaters!

week51 Roxy outake web

week51 Marlowe web

Marlowe – her sick little eyes

 both girls have had severe tonsillitis this week so we have been a bit of a sad household, thankfully we are on the mend now. Hoping for a germ free few months now cause we have had our fair share of them lately!

It is also not lost on me that Marlowe is wearing these bonds zippies in a lot of the weekly photos! They are so good though and if we aren’t leaving the house she is so much more comfortable in her pjs all day…… aren’t we all!

Home, Pontefract, West Yorkshire



a portrait of my girls once a week every week 

week50 Roxy web

Roxy – a brief moment of still

sometimes her beauty takes my breath away

week50 Marlowe  web

Marlowe – looking up at her big sister, trying desperately to crawl

Home, Pontefract, United Kingdom



a portrait of my girls once a week every week 

week49 Roxy and Marlowe web

Roxy and Marlowe – sisters, i love how I’ve managed to scatter a few joint photos of the girls throughout the year, they really do have a beautiful relationship developing .

Its beginning to look a lot like Christmas

We are a very excited household for christmas this year, its Roxy’s first year of really understanding and being super excited and its obviously Marlowe’s first one. We don’t have the typical christmas filled with loads of family but we have lots of wonderful friends and a handful of family over here which is enough for us.

We won’t know what has hit us when we do eventually move home and have a big Australian christmas. Ill miss the cold and cosy nights around the tree.

and wow there are only 3 posts left for the year!

Home, Pontefract, United Kingdom



a portrait of my girls once a week every week 

week 48 Roxy web

Roxy – picking ‘cherries’ from the tree out the front

we don’t actually know what they are or if they are edible

week 48 Marlowe web

Marlowe –  peeking out

looking oh so cute after bath-time

Home, Pontefract, United Kingdom



a portrait of my girls once a week every week 

week 47 Roxy web

Roxy – concentration

we haven’t sat and painted in ages

painting a flower with a blue stem and pink petals

we have pretty much been inside for a week as this one has had tonsillitis and a chest infection and now of course Marlowe has it, would love a sickness free month please december

week 47 Marlowe web

Marlowe – ‘mummy don’t leave me here the aloe vera is going to attack’

our aloe really has gone wild

Home, Pontefract, United Kingdom



a portrait of my girls once a week every week 

week 46 Roxy web

Roxy – ‘ i want to be a punk rocker with flowers in my hair’

week 46 Roxy  outake webgetting the peace sign a little bit wrong…

week 46 Marlowe web

Marlowe – behind bars

we are starting to crack this sleeping thing, finally after 8 months!

Home, Pontefract, United Kingdom